sunnuntai 2. elokuuta 2009

Singing Hinnies eli Laulavat natiaiset

The singing hinnie was so called as, when the butter and the cream melted during the baking, it sizzled on the hot girdle and was thought to be singing. An old tale is told of how this large tea-time scone first became known as a singing hinnie.. a north country housewife was baking this scone for tea and on repeatedly being asked by her children if it was ready to eat, her final reply was "No, it's just singing, hinnies". (Hinnies a Geordie term of endearment for children and loved ones)

200 g plain flour Jauhoja
60 g butter Voita
60 g lard Laardia, täällä saa kasvis...
30 ounce currants, raisins Rusinoita
half teaspoon salt Suolaa
1 teaspoon baking powder Leivinjauhetta
milk and sour cream Maitoa ja smetanaa.

Rub fat into flour, add other dry ingredients, mix to a soft dough with a little milk and sour cream. Roll out and bake both sides on a hot girdle.
In order to turn these without breaking into pieces, use something wide.

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